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Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2020

it was the middle of the day, and @everytagcounts and I got...

it was the middle of the day, and @everytagcounts and I got chased the hell down the street immediately after taking this photo. someone had seen us and started yelling and gave chase. I was totally unsure of what he was yelling as it was in Czech, so I was asking Canser to translate as we were sprinting. “that guy did a tag on the door, and that guy took a photo of him!”, he translated mid-breath while we were running across the road, dodging cars and trams.

after weaving in and out of side streets and we realised we lost him, we caught our breath and I looked at the camera to check the photo in the hope that chase wasn’t all in vain. “fuck yeah, that’s April done”.
anyway, the 2020 calendar & zine is available now. hopefully you enjoy looking at April’s photo when it comes around, haha.

#canser #handstyle #graffiti #calendar #2020calendar

by via Handstyler: There's Art In A Tag

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