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Freitag, 12. Juli 2024

Pejac Returns to London with Two New Urban Artworks for HOPE Project

Following the iconic Downside Up on the lampposts of Shoreditch in 2016, renowned street artist Pejac has made a striking return to the streets of London with two new urban artworks. These pieces are part of HOPE, a pioneering print project in collaboration with Avant Arte.

The collaboration follows a month-long residency by Pejac at Make-Ready, Avant Arte’s London-based print studio. This residency provided Pejac with the opportunity to experiment and create within a dedicated space, culminating in the upcoming launch of the HOPE project later this summer.

The first mural, titled ICARUS, is located in Bethnal Green. This piece serves as a metaphor for contemporary life in the big city. Much like the classic fable of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and fell to his demise, the mural depicts the ambition and burnout many experience in urban environments. It reflects the pressures and aspirations of city life, reminding viewers of the delicate balance between ambition and well-being.

The second artwork, titled LINE, can be found in Tottenham. This mural features a group of tiny people walking in a line towards a huge drain. Despite the clear danger, they continue their path towards the drain instead of circumventing it. The artwork symbolizes the lack of perspective and critical thinking that can lead individuals to take unnecessary risks. It serves as a poignant commentary on human behavior and societal norms.

Pejac’s latest works continue to challenge perceptions and inspire dialogue, embodying the spirit of creativity and innovation that defines both his art and the collaborative efforts of Avant Arte. The HOPE project signifies a unique blend of urban art and print, aiming to bring Pejac’s thought-provoking pieces to a broader audience.

The post Pejac Returns to London with Two New Urban Artworks for HOPE Project first appeared on street art united states.
by Sami Wakim via street art united states

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